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Gammahydroxybutrate (GHB) or ‘Liquid Ecstasy' and GBL (gammabutyrolactone) are closely related, dangerous drugs with sedative and anaesthetic effects. GBL converts to GHB shortly after entering the body. GBL and GHB have much the same effects. Both can kill you and are particularly dangerous when used with alcohol and other depressant or sedative substances including recreational drugs.

The effects

  • GHB and GBL produce essentially the same effects.   They both produce a feeling of euphoria and can reduce your inhibitions and make you feel sleepy.

Chances of getting hooked

Repeated use of GHB is known to cause dependence in some people and this is likely to be true for GBL as well.

The law

GHB is a Class C drug - illegal to have, give away or sell. Possession can get you up to two years in jail and/or an unlimited fine. Supplying someone else, even your friends, can get you up to 14 years in jail and/or an unlimited fine.

GBL is not a Class C drug.  It is a  legal product used in industry and probably available from other sources such as the internet.  However, The Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs (ACMD) which advises the government, has provisionally recommended that GBL should also be controlled as a Class C drug with consultation on a licensing arrangement for its use in industry.

The Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs (ACMD) which advises the Government considers that the harms of GBL and 1, 4-BD (which is a similar chemical) are equal to other Class C drugs. The Government intends to control GBL and 1, 4-BD as Class C drugs when intended for human consumption by the end of this year (2009.) As it is a chemical used in industry it will continue to be available for legitimate use but if someone supplies or possesses it intending that it is ingested, that person will be committing an offence.

If GHB and GBL are linked to drug assisted sexual assault, the Sexual Offences Act 2003 states that it is an offence to administer a substance to a person with intent to overpower that person to enable sexual activity with them.  This is punishable by up to 10 years imprisonment.

Appearance and use

GHB is usually sold as an odourless liquid in small bottles or capsules (it does come in powder form but is rarer). It tastes slightly salty. A teaspoon or a capful is a normal dose although the strength of GHB varies so it can be very difficult for people to know how much they're taking.

The effects start between 10 minutes to one hour and can last up to seven hours or so.

GBL is a colourless, oily liquid with a weak odour.  It is a common solvent used in products like paint strippers and stain removers.


The strength of GHB liquid varies widely from bottle to bottle. And when mixed badly, it can really burn the mouth.

At present there is little reliable evidence to determine the purity of GBL.

The risks

  • Using both GHB and GBL can cause unconsciousness, coma and death.
  • Even experienced users are at risk from death by intoxication.
  • There is some evidence that taking these drugs with alcohol or other sedative drugs adds to the risk of harm.
  • But it is also clear that GHB and GBL can cause death when taken on their own.
  • Because GHB and GBL can really knock you out it's been linked to drug assisted sexual assault ( See ‘The law' paragraph above).